Japan’s 2011 tsunami, then and now – in pictures – The Guardian
If you’re curious, the Wikipedia article seems both thorough and accurate.
‘There’s No Town Left’: Fukushima’s Eerie Landscapes – The New York Times
I lived in Sendai, Miyagi, Japan during this earthquake. Sendai had comparatively less damage than the coast. It was a weird time in my life. My computer from that time died and I lost all my pictures from Japan. Hopefully, I’ll be able to recover the hard drive.
In addition to the damage from the earthquake, there was also the pressure of what to do when the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactor melted down. The US recommended that all US citizens within fifty miles of the plant evacuate. I think I lived about fifty five miles from the plant. At some point I will write more about what I did and my thoughts on nuclear power.